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Profile of Chitra Thomas

I am a retired Professor of Chemistry from Tamil Nadu, India with over 37 years of experience, teaching and tutoring students of all levels - from high school to advanced college level. I am a sort of all-rounder in Chemistry, well-versed and comfortable with all branches of Chemistry – Organic, Inorganic, Physical and Analytical Chemistry. However my favourite branch is Physical Chemistry and especially I enjoy teaching the challenging and abstract topics like Quantum Chemistry and Group Theory. 


Nowadays I am busy publishing videos in my Youtube channel ‘Chemistry Learning Simplified’


To date I have  published 94 videos on various topics in Chemistry.

  • 50 videos on Group Theory and Chemistry covering the entire syllabus of Group theory of most of the universities in the world. 

  • 16 videos of the intended 40 videos on Quantum Chemistry

  • The rest of the videos deal with some of the important basic concepts in Chemistry.

  • All these videos are very popular on the internet.  


At present my videos on Group Theory and Chemistry are the number one videos on the topic on Youtube with regular views from 146 countries, 50 States in US and more than 450 Universities from all over the world. Till recently I was a member of the elite group of experts of an American online tutoring service answering questions from American students. 



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